Series XV. Observer Countries, undated
Scope and Content
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records contains the organizational records of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, which mainly cover the period from its founding in 1919 to 1973. The records are arranged into the following twenty series:
- Council
- Bureau
- Executive Committee
- Financial
- Division Presidents
- Officers
- Biochemical Nomenclature
- Divisions
- Medicinal Chemistry Section
- Commissions
- Standing Committees
- Publications
- Adhering Organizations
- Company Associates
- Observer Countries
- Associated Organizations
- General
- Congresses
- Conferences
- International Council of Scientific Unions
Note - The following existing series and sub-series were removed from the collection:
Series V. Division Presidents
Series VI. Officers
Series VIII. Divisions, Sub-series 4. Macromolecular Division (Division IV)
Series XI. Standing Committees, Sub-series 2. Ad Hoc Committees
Series XV. Observer Countries
Series XVI. Associated Organizations
- Creation: undated
Series Description
This series contains IUPAC’s Observer Countries files. Observer Countries were countries represented in IUPAC by Associate National Adhering Organizations. These countries participated in IUPAC activities but played no role in IUPAC’s governance. Each individual Observer Country was represented by a single Associate National Adhering Organization. An Associate National Adhering Organization could be a national chemical council, a national chemical society, a national academy of science, or any other institution or association of institutions representative of national chemical interest. The Observer Countries membership category was discontinued in November 2021.
Note - This series was removed from the collection and retained by IUPAC. A handful of files regarding Observing Countries are preserved in the Addenda to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Records.
Repository Details
Part of the Science History Institute Archives Repository
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