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Series V. Instrument Files, 1963-1988, undated

Identifier: V

Scope and Content

From the Collection:

The Microanalysis Society Records contain the organizational records of the Microanalysis Society. Most of the materials in these records were generated during the period in which the society was named the Electron Probe Analysis Society of America (1966-1973) and the Microbeam Analysis Society (1974-2010). The collection is arranged into the following seven series:

From the Collection:
  1. Correspondence Files
  2. Administrative Files
  3. Meeting Files
  4. Kurt F.J. Heinrich Files
  5. Instrument Files
  6. Miscellaneous Printed Materials
  7. Oversized Drawing Reproductions


  • Creation: 1963-1988, undated
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Series Description

Arranged alphabetically by subject, this series contains materials regarding electron microanalysis instruments that were collected by the Microanalysis Society. Nine of the files in this series concern instruments manufactured by CAMECA, including the SX 50 Electron Microprobe and peripheral equipment. Four files in this series regarding Applied Research Laboratories EMX Microprobes, which were built for IBM Research and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Geology respectively, are also present in this series.

Manuals and drawing reproductions are the most common items found in the Instrument Files. Small amounts of other miscellaneous materials, including, but not limited to, blueprints, notes, and data sheets are preserved here as well.

Repository Details

Part of the Science History Institute Archives Repository

315 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia PA 19106 United States
215.873.5265 (Fax)