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Twelve reprints of papers by Fritz Zwicky

Identifier: 2022-538


  • Creation: 1976-1996


Language of Materials

Text in English and German.

Biographical sketch

Fritz Zwicky was born in Varna, Bulgaria on February 14, 1898. He died in Pasadena, California on February 8, 1974. Zwicky emigrated to the United States in 1925 and was appointed Professor of Astronomy at Caltech in 1942. He developed theories of Dark Matter, supernovae, and neutron stars and received the President's Medal of Freedom in 1949.


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General Note

These are reprints of papers presented by Fritz Zwicky during the years 1946 through 1960. Topics dealt with by Zwicky include, rocketry, space travel, cosmology and air pollution.

Cumulative Index/Finding Aids Note

On the possibility of Earth-launched meteors, 1946 -- The Morphological method of analysis and construction, 1948 -- The Morphology of aerial propulsion, 1948 -- Morphologische Forschung, 1949 -- Tasks we face (re jet-propulsion engines and Metachemistry), 1951 -- Aerial detection devices based on observations of stellar scintillations, 1955 -- The First shots into interplanetary space, 1958 -- News on gravitation and nuclear goblins, 1958 -- Collapsed matter of nuclear density and nuclear goblins, 1958 -- Supervovae, 1958 -- Is Newton's Law of Gravitation really universal? 1959 -- A Morphologist ponders the smog problem, 1960.

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